Book and thesis
A Preliminary Study on the Usage of UTTATE in Okayama Dialect Notre Dame Seishin University kiyo,pp.170-183 (Sole-authored) 2022/03/01
A Eulogy for Professor WATANABE Minoru NIHONGO NO KENKYU Studies in the Japanese Language,pp.4-7 (Sole-authored) 2020/12/01
On the Usage of the Adverbial Particle Demo in Modern Japanese: The Relationship between Concession, Extreme and Example,pp.375-389 (Sole-authored) 2020/03/25
A Report on Usage of the Adverbial Particle YAKO/YAKOO in the Okayama Dialect Notre Dame Seishin University kiyo,pp.96-112 (Sole-authored) 2020/03/02
A Study of KURAINARA : Topic and Conditional Notre Dame Seishin University kiyo. Studies in foreign languages and literature, Studies in culture Notre Dame Seishin University kiyo. Studies in Japanese language and literature,pp.1-11 (Sole-authored) 2015/03
A Study on KURAI from the perspective of "provisional focus" Notre Dame Seishin University kiyo. Studies in foreign languages and literature, Studies in culture Notre Dame Seishin University kiyo. Studies in Japanese language and literature,pp.25-37 (Sole-authored) 2014/03
A study of the article on Aware in Kazashisho Notre Dame Seishin University Kiyo. Studies in Japanese language and literature,pp.14-25 (Sole-authored) 2010/03